A click on the strategic map and you need only select the starting and end ports, which resources are to be picked up or unloaded and then assign a ship. 1701 is all about trading too whether it’s within your own territories as not all islands can cater for every industry, or getting rich off some unfortunate faction.įor trading you’ll need the sea, and a boat of course, setting up routes has been made incredibly simple by Related Designs. Relying solely on income tax may not be the ideal solution instead you could take advantage of your neighbouring colonies lack of supplies. It will be hard to make a profit from the start as each building you put up costs maintenance and wages. In the beginning chances are you’ll be in the red for income, however as time goes on and you build more houses you will eventually see things begin to even out. Yes aside from the resources of which there is a far number to contend with, you’ll need to watch your gold levels. As you please them you’ll see the town improve and naturally be able to hold more people, meaning more tax income. To advance your colony you’ll need to satisfy the current population type which in the beginning are pioneers, and then work to fulfil the needs of the next type of citizenry. For better structures to become available though you’ll need to not only reach certain population level requirements but also “upgrade” the settlement. You can get better markets with better construction radiuses as well as more wagons available to carry goods. Meaning if it is delivered to one, all has it available to be withdrawn which greatly helps keep things simple and more fun.

A transport wagon will then carry the goods back and load up your stores, the difference with 1701 is that all markets on an island pool together their stocks. A building that produces an end product such as a Weave shop or Butcher must be connected by a road. These markets are the lifeblood as every finished resource will end up at one, or nothing will flourish.

To build further on you will need to place more markets down which will increase your territory in a manner of speaking. You’ll start with a simple shoreline warehouse/market from there you can build within a certain distance away. For a large portion of the game you’ll be creating these production chains to feed either your own settlement for growth, or trade earning you extra coin.

Building your colony itself is easy and you’ll be utilising small economy chains to deliver your people to happiness, and wealth of course.