The terms of Candy Crush Saga do not specify whether all data at rest and in transit are encrypted or if users are notified in the event of a data breach. Additionally, the terms of Candy Crush Saga state that both contextual and personalized advertisements are displayed to users. According to the terms of Candy Crush Saga, some of this personally identifiable information is shared with third parties such as service providers. The terms of Candy Crush Saga further state that personally identifiable information is collected from users such as a user's device information and payment information. Additionally, the terms of Candy Crush Saga state that some of a user's personal information can be displayed publicly in public forums and comment sections. According to the terms of Candy Crush Saga, users can interact with both trusted and untrusted users while using the product. Candy Crush Saga is a puzzle game based on the Candy Crush series available for mobile devices.